by admin | Apr 28, 2018 | Uncategorized
“Just be yourself!” That piece advice has become cliche’ over the years.

However, I’d like to humbly give you an example of how being yourself and speaking from your heart can strike the right nerve in your audience and help you meet your goals. As opposed to being monotonous, present a story – sprinkle it with pertinent examples of experiences from your life.
First, here’s a link to one of my favourite Oscar acceptance speeches. Robert Benigni on stage after “Life is Beautiful” wins the “Best Foreign Film” award for year 1999 – he speaks from the heart when thanking the crowd and all those who made the movie possible.
It was the summer of 2015. I was sitting in the waiting room of Delhi University’s Faculty of Management Studies, waiting to be called in for my interview for admission in their Executive MBA program.
I suck at exams – am terrified of them! And when I was told that thousands had appeared for the entrance exam – I knew my chances were bleak, and I had already started preparing myself mentally for failure.
When I was finally called in; the professors asked me a few questions regarding the content of the essay I had written. I really can’t recall what the topic was – but think it was something related to taking a stance on “reservations based caste/religion in the Indian education system”. Whatever it was – I don’t think I did a pretty good job writing those few pages.
The questions then moved on to what I did for a living. I was a pre-sales engineer for Cisco. I tried to sell the interviewers on my accomplishments in my job role, and contributions I have made to the company – but I could sense that I hadn’t been able to impress these guys so far.
It was then, that one of the professors nonchalantly glanced at my application form and asked me about what I had written in the section titled – “What do you see as your accomplishments in life?”. Under that section, I had scribbled two sentences:
The first professor’s exact question was – “What’s a leg press?”, to which I responded in responded in pain staking detail as to what the
Leg Press is – how it’s great for the quadriceps and hamstrings and gluteus Maximus… and how, when I did the 500 KGs, there weren’t enough weight plates in the gym and we had to ask a 90 kilogram guy to sit on top of the machine.
“Do you think this accomplishment is pertinent to your application?” Asked the second professor.
In hindsight, I feel that I could have written about so many things about my career accomplishments – about how well I handled a team for project X, or how I worked up a product selling strategy for a customer Y. But that’s not what I had written on that paper, and now I had to defend what i had jotted down!
“I believe it is, ma’am.” I started out saying. I further went on by saying:
I’d like to believe that my accomplishments in the gym have made me a better person overall. Not only does a good workout make me feel rejuvenated – I find correlation between the effect of the time I spend working out, and how I spend the rest of my working day.
I also believe that the behaviour of muscle when it’s put under duress, is very similar to that of a man’s character. Neither muscle, nor one’s character, will grow unless they’re given something to push against.
Lifting weights was also a lesson in patience for me. The leg press, for example – It took many months for my leg muscles to get acclimatised to the point that I could lift that weight off the rack.
Workouts are also a lesson in tenacity; an application of the power of a human’s mind – that you can accomplish anything you can set your mind to! When each ounce of your body is telling you to give up… to let go… to not do that last rep… that the pain is not worth it… Your mind can take control and fight back to finish that set”.
The interview lasted a few more minutes – which I spent answering questions related to my educational background, after which the three luminaries politely thanked me for having participated. The interview lasted a litter over 20 minutes.
In the parking lot, I met a fellow candidate who introduced himself as an senior official in the ministry of Finance. He described his own interview stating that it lasted for close to an hour where he discussed current affairs, the economic quagmire the country is in, and his vision of how things can be fixed. Here I was ruminating about my speech on quads and hamstring muscle fibres.
The results got out a few weeks later – I had made the list of selected candidates for that year’s exec MBA program.
That day reinforced a life lesson for me – Irrespective of who I speak with, I strive to make my communication authentic and personal.
To this day, as the founder of
Zindagi technologies – whenever I will present to either customers, or my team members, on any topic, technical or otherwise, I try and make it a passionate and inspiring experience for my audience – one that’s both educational and entertaining. I try and “be myself”.
by admin | Feb 22, 2017 | Uncategorized
The Indian Armed Forces have made quantum leaps in terms of technological advances in the past decade when it comes to C4i, Net Centric Warfare and providing power to the edge. With projects such as the NFS, the TCS and IACCS – we’re on the right path towards “Information Advantage” by information sharing, shared situational awareness, and enhanced command and control capabilities.

However, seeing the ramifications of recent cyber attacks, the proliferation of the Social Media battlefield, and the use of latest technology by jihadists, state and non-state actors of our neighbors – I believe there is a need to re-visit our strategies from a architectural perspective so as to maintain technological supremacy over the enemy.
I believe this discussion is more important now, more than ever – with the US DoD’s focus on the “Third Offset Strategy” – An ability to gain technological superiority in fields of anti-access and area-denial, guided munitions, undersea warfare, cyber and electronic warfare, human-machine teaming, and wargaming and development of new operating concepts.
The US DoD third offset strategy, at it’s base, has 5 common technological components:
- Deep learning systems – with applications such as early warning and leading indications in cyber defense , big data analytics to make sense of Facebook posts of terrorist organizations and finding patterns, etc.
- Human Machine Collaboration – with applications such as unmanned vehicle systems fitted with sensors, or “fog computing” data and providing power to the soldier on the battlefield for better decision making.
- Human Machine Combat Teaming – leading to combined operations with humans and unmanned vehicles.
- Assisted Human Operations – biosensors and other IOT devices and wearables to augment war-fighter capabilities
- Network Enabled, Cyber-Hardened weapons
The intent of this series of blog posts is to break down the architecture of the Information Systems infrastructure used by the Indian Armed Forces and propose a strategy / vision for the next 5 years. We’ll focus on the following technology areas.
- Networking technologies
- Computing and storage
- Unified Communications capabilities
- Mobile device and application technologies
- Cyber Security
- Network Operations
3rd Offset 101:
Net Centric Warfare:
Power to the Edge:
Understanding Information Age Warfare:
This blog post will be focused on computing services required in a defense communication network architecture, which in some ways, carries similarities with a Service Provider grade network.
Computing Services
With the considerable expansion of the defense networks such as TCS, AFNET, etc – the infrastructure is poised to provide the next generation of private cloud services to it’s users including excellent scalability and self-service – to cater to the dynamic and unpredictable computing needs of the armed forces. An on-premises or private cloud provides a computing environment for mission critical workloads, provides complete control over uptime requirements and provides flexibility towards management demands.
However, the private cloud should not mean just a collection of compute horse power residing in armed forces data centres. Rather, it should provide an environment not different from public cloud offerings such as AWS and Google Compute Engine – with features such as self service and scalability, multi-tenancy, the ability to provision machines, changing computing resources on demand, and creating machines for complex jobs such as big data. Such an infrastructure also needs to factor in Chargeback tools to track compute usage – so that the entities using the resources do an internal billing only for the resources that they use.
Why should the armed forces look at developing the a strong private cloud foundation
Well, it’s because the world of consumption of data is evolving at a very rapid pace. There’s no denying that the public cloud is experiencing a bigger growth; but the private cloud is going to continue to grow.
Acording the Cisco’s Global Cloud Index (link above), 70% of all cloud workloads will still be running on private cloud by 2018.
With the armed forces’ interest in IoT and sensor based technology, new devices getting connected everyday,and an increasing focus on mobile applications there’ll be a considerable rise in traffic coming to the data centre as the number of workloads keeps increasing. This trend is obvious when we see data centre networks showing a ethernet port shift from 10G to 40G and beyond.
Where to start building a private cloud
We’re observing a shift in trends in DCs globally. The past 15-16 years (2000 to 2016) were the times of the “Traditional Data Centers” – where the focus was on efficiency and automation; and significant efforts were made towards efficiency, speed and simplicity by consolidation and virtualization. The new trend is that of a further enhancing speeds and a move towards “digital experiences” by offering IT as a service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, XaaS).
The key categories of consideration in taking a decision to move towards a private cloud infrastructure are the infrastructure, the security, the policies and procedures, the management/administration and finally – the cost.
The cloud is a model for elastic compute resources that are provisioned rapidly through a self-service portal with minimal management interaction. Now if we compare this to the traditional process of requesting resources through IT, we notice many companies have layers of approval that exist to prevent misuse, provide accountability and ultimately a form of chargeback for the services as well. The definition of a cloud and its model goes against many of these existing procedures, so either the armed forces have to adopt a new model to fit the private cloud or the private cloud has to be able to adapt itself to the defense’s unique needs, policies and procedures. More than likely, it will be a mix of both extremes to allow for the benefits of what the private cloud has to offer, while still incorporating some of the existing guidelines and procedures.
So let’s break down some of these top private cloud considerations.
Step 1 – The Foundation – An Data Centre telemetry and analytics platform that offers visibility and forensics
The bedrock for a Private Cloud is a platform that should provide insight into the traffic flows so that operational and security related decisions are taken in a well-informed manner. It should also have the ability to either generate, or make recommendations for policy for zero-trust and micro-segmentation amongst workloads.
Cisco offers an appliance called Tetration – which is basically a Big Data Analytics engine that captures flow data from Cisco Nexus DC network switches and agents running on virtual and physical workloads, crunches those numbers and converts them into usable and actionable information – such as Cisco ACI Application profiles and application dependency requirements . But what about workloads which won’t allow you to install agents on them, such as mainframes and unix based systems? Well, you can connect these directly to the Nexus switches which results in the switch providing visibility into the applications that are touching that device. Now, this appliance doesn’t just stop there! It de-duplicates all these flows and stores these flow records in its database; thereby providing you with historical forensics for each flow that crosses your network.
Here’s what I find to be a very cool feature of the Tetration appliance – it allows you to perform a “What If” on the network before applying the change to understand the potential impact. For example – lets say you plan to modify a network security policy blocking certain traffic flows. You could input this information into tetration which will then report back telling you what all flows would break if you were to make such a change. Nice! Know more about this functionality here:
Another example of a product that provides visibility and performs analytics into traffic flows of your data centre is Vmware vRealize Network Insight. It basically analyzes netflow data and assists you in creating security groups and firewall policies. It monitors both the physical and virtual network topology. Know more about it:
Step 2 – Choosing a Private Cloud platform
There are 3 primary players in the market – Microsoft, Vmware, Openstack.
Microsoft offers its Azure Stack private cloud – which means it’s bringing its entire Azure stack from the public cloud to a company’s data centre. The end result of Azure Stack for customers will be something that looks and feels like the real Azure, although it will be running on their own hardware and under their own management. In a sense, this is the natural progression of Windows Server as the center of gravity of operating systems has shifted from a particular runtime to creating a cluster-wide management system with many runtimes and allowing for many different styles of compute and storage.
Vmware has their story of the Vmware SDDC stack – which comes with a Cloud Management Platform called Vmware vRealize which provides automated delivery of infrastructure and apps, realtime log management, operations management, costing and usage metering.
OpenStack is one of the most popular open source cloud operating options today. It has the ability to manage compute, storage and networking and deploy them is an easy to use, but somewhat feature limited dashboard. Unlike VMware and Microsoft, OpenStack does not have its own hypervisor. It can be used with any hypervisor – however, it’s typically used with KVM which is also opensource.
In summary – there’s a tradeoff in going in for a private / vendor-provided cloud platform v/s Openstack. While both can be deployed on-premises and are secure; the vendor-provided one is better supported and typically offers easier installation. The vendor provided options have their share of disadvantages – vendor dependency and not being fully open whereas Openstack has a steep learning curve involved.
Cisco approaches the Private cloud as an integrated approach – to offer reporting, analytics, lifecycle management, RBAC, showback/chargeback, Open APIs covering both physical and virtual infrastructure. Here are the components of a Private Cloud architecture as Cisco defines it:
- Infrastructure automation – providing self-service consumption of DC infrastructure, and multivendor automation and orchestration along with built-in performance monitoring and capacity planning
- Cloud management – for deploying and managing applications across DCs, private and public cloud environments.
- Service management – using self service catalogues for cloud, application and infrastructure services.
- Big data automation – enabling a single touch deployments of Hadoop clusters on Cisco UCS with integrations with major distributions such as Cloudera, MAPR, HortonWorks and Splunk Enterprise.
Step 3: Service Provider NFV
The defense network of the future can expect that video will be the majority of traffic that will flow across it. Also, there will be thousands, if not lakhs of IOT device connections. The Armed Forces service provider networks will need to become virtualized so they don’t remain monolithic, non-pliable, costly to maintain and having long innovation cycles. Deploying NFV will allow the running of network functions on general-purpose hardware, and allow the scale up, scale down and orchestration of VNFs (Virtual Network Functions).
by admin | Feb 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
For those who have known me since 2010, know I have one of those interesting fat-to-fit stories. I lost 21 kilograms in 5 months; went from size 40 jeans to size 28 and reduced my body fat percentage dramatically. I’d made some cliff notes on what I did to achieve this over here:
Over the many months that followed, I took part in multiple fitness related activities; listing some of them here:
- Completed a round of Tony Hortons Power 90
- A round of Beachbody P90X
- Learnt how to swim
- Ran… a lot – did multiple half marathons; I also ran the full 26.2 miles (My Garmin clocked it as 4 hrs 37 minutes)
- Used to cycle for hours at length
- Bulked up; and got significant gains
But all this seems like it was a long time ago. It’s 2017 – and for the past 18 months or so, I’ve gotten no exercise and have totally lost track of any diet regimes. My clothes wont fit me anymore; my “slim fit” button down shirts are all tucked away because i fear the moment i sit down, the buttons may turn into projectiles hurting the people infront of me.
I decided to run the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon 2016; and, the lazy bum that I am; did no preparation thinking – if i could do it in 2014 in 1 hr 51 minutes – I can do it in 2017 with no prep in less than 3 hours. I did finish the run (2 hrs 31 minutes in case any one’s interested) – but I did so limping my way for the last 7 kilometers. My quads had become stiff by the time i had reached the 14 kilometer mark – and the entire impact of my stride went on my joints. It took 2 months for me to recover from the joint pains. Lesson learnt the hard way.
What happened to me? I could give a 100 excuses as to why “I don’t have the time to workout” – travel, personal responsibilities, customers, etc. But I know that’ll be just me fooling myself – If i wanted to, i could have found time to workout; if i wanted to – i could have followed a diet plan. But I became lazy – that’s what’s happened to me.
So yeah, I’m fat! Again! and it sucks. But I intend to change that!
I took my “before” pictures today – and in Hritik Roshan style ( ), I intended to share them with the world. But then i saw them again; I look ugly – the thought of putting these on the Internet is scary. Call me a coward – but I’d rather just share my “After” pictures.
I’m good at “90 day” goals – so starting tomorrow, for the next 90 days – I will do the following:
There; I’ve put in “On the Internet” – and shame on me if I can’t “do what I said I’ll do”.
Here’s are all the supplements I will use when following this regime.
- Musclepharm Combat
- ON Optimen
- ON Amino
- ON Creatine Monohydrate
- GNC Megamen
- Megamen Chews
- Cellucor BCAA
- Cellucor C4 Pre Workout
- Garcinia Cambogia extracts (ZeroFat)

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